Our Expertise
Space Insights Consulting LLC offers spaceflight software and systems engineering services. We have over 17 years of experience in space flight software and systems engineering. We specialize in two areas: design, development, architecture, implementation, testing, verification, and validation of spacecraft flight software, space vehicle simulations, and space analysis software tools; and space vehicle systems engineering. We offer consulting services for space companies needing software and systems engineering expertise.
Our Services
Space Vehicle Software
We specialize in ensuring space vehicle software meets the quality standards necessary for manned and unmanned space flight, with expertise in software certification for NASA, Range Safety, and the FAA. We have experience with space vehicle software development plans and processes, and ensuring your software process and products meet applicable requirements.
Systems Engineering
Our team excels in systems engineering, including review of design against requirements, traceability, and certification.
Safety and Risk Assessments
We offer risk and safety assessment services, including risk management plan and safety and mission assurance plans, set up of safety and risk management tracking systems, and analysis of vehicle risk and safety in accordance with mission risk posture and/or certification agency requirements.